Villa Ivanka - Makarska Riviera - Gradac     +38521 695 299   +38591 561 5018

Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Villa Ivanka

When using our online services, including applications, cookies and other tracking technologies may be used in various ways, for example to operate this site, to analyze traffic or for marketing purposes. If you want to know more about what cookies are, how they are used and what your options are, read more here.

What is a cookie?
How are cookies used?
What options are available to you?

a) What is a cookie? A cookie is a small amount of data that a website stores in your computer's browser or on your mobile device. So-called "first-party cookies" are cookies used by the company that manages the domain on which the cookies are used. Therefore, cookies are "first-party cookies" here. There is a difference between temporary and permanent cookies. Temporary cookies only exist until you close your browser. Persistent cookies have a longer lifetime and are not automatically deleted when you close your browser. We strive to use cookies or allow the use of cookies with the maximum duration necessary for operation. A year at most. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as security and when absolutely necessary, does the cookie last longer than stated. All these technologies are collectively referred to in this Cookie Policy as "cookies".

b) How are cookies used? Cookies are used for various purposes. They enable you to be recognized as the same user on all pages within one internet portal, between multiple internet pages or while using the application. Our website uses cookies for various purposes:

Technical cookies: We strive to provide our visitors with an advanced and simple website and applications that automatically adapt to their needs and preferences. In order to achieve this, we use technical cookies to display our internet portal and make it work properly, as well as to create your user account, log in and edit your settings. Technical cookies are completely necessary for the correct operation of our site.

Functional cookies: We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and help you use our web portal and applications efficiently and effectively. These functional cookies are not necessary for the functioning of our site or application, but are responsible for additional functions and a better experience.

Analytical cookies: We use these cookies to determine how our users use the site. We use Google analytics to monitor attendance. You can read more about their conditions and way of working here: This also means that we can use data about your way of using the site, such as the number of clicks on certain pages, mouse movements and "scrolling ". , the words you enter in the search engine and the text you enter in various fields. We use analytics cookies as part of an advertising campaign to learn how users use our site or apps after being shown an online ad. It may also include ads from other websites.

c) What options are available to you?

For more information about cookies and how to manage or delete them, visit and your browser's help page. In the settings of browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer and others, you can determine which cookies to accept and which to reject. Where you can find the settings depends on your browser type. Use the "Help" option in your browser to find the necessary settings. If you choose the option not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies, you may not be able to use certain functions on our website. If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, please send an email to This Cookie Policy is subject to change from time to time. So visit this page regularly to be informed of any changes.